Pressure washing a window

Replacement Windows that Clean Themselves

Replacement Windows that Clean Themselves!

As you embark on a window replacement project, we want to help you find features and benefits that you didn’t even know existed. You know you will be getting outstanding energy efficiency with the Energy Star rating.

You know you will be getting enhanced value in your home, realizing the full value of your remodel immediately in the new value of your home. You know that maintenance will be faster and easier, because the replacement window project replaces every latch, sash, track and pane.

But, did you know that our new replacement windows help clean themselves? At Clearwater Exteriors, we provide new technologically advanced  windows that have a permanent coating that works to rid itself of organic dirt and materials, so cleaning is easier and less necessary.



The coating is installed in the manufacturing process, and is completely transparent. It works with the sun’s ultraviolet rays and water to break down dirt and organic compounds, so they simply rinse away. When you hose off your windows, you will notice that the windows behave differently than your old windows. Due to this coating, the water will spread out over the surface, rather than beading up around the dirt. This helps the water dry faster, take the dirt with it as it falls, and leave far less streaks and spots. This is a photo-catalytic process, and is designed to help you enjoy your home long after the window replacement project is complete.