A window showing window damage

The Most Common Types of Window Damage

While window designs have advanced significantly over the years, window damage is still a big possibility for homeowners in Denver and beyond. Whether it be a major storm, a bird gone astray, regular wear and tear, or any number of other risks, window damage can quickly impact your home. Window damage shouldn’t be ignored, as a small problem can rapidly escalate.

Here, we’ll learn all about the most common types of window damage in Denver, as well as the factors that can lead to window damage. Rest assured, with proper installation, care, and maintenance, your windows will be primed to last for decades.

What Causes Window Damage?

To avoid an early Denver window replacement, it’s helpful to understand the main causes of window damage. The most common causes of window damage include:

The Weather

The weather is one of the main risks of window damage that Denver homeowners need to be aware of. For one, the intense sunshine that we receive for many days out of the year can shorten the lifespan of a window. The sun’s harsh UV rays can damage wooden window framing, meaning that the windows on the side of your home that receives the most sunlight may not last as long.

Extreme temperature fluctuations are another component of the weather here in Colorado that can damage windows. The expanding and contracting of window glass that occurs with extreme shifts in temperature may lead to damage. In severe instances, temperature shifts may even crack window glass, requiring replacement.

Here in Denver, we also receive more severe hailstorms than most other regions around the country. The impact of hailstones against your home’s windows can leave dents, dings, and/or cracks. After a major hailstorm, property damage is to be expected, including damage to your windows.

Wear And Tear

With repeated use and age, your windows will inevitably deteriorate. Windows don’t last forever, and simple wear and tear is one of the main culprits when it comes to window damage. Different window materials vary in durability. So, before your next Denver window replacement, it’s wise to consider all of the material options available to you so that you avoid wear and tear as much as possible.


If something hits your window with enough force, it can lead to damage. Whether this is a golf ball, hailstone, or even a bird, you may be left with a crack in your window pane. In high winds, pebbles and small rocks could come flying toward your home, creating the risk for window damage.

Improper Window Installation

Window damage can result when the windows weren’t installed properly in the first place. If windows aren’t placed in the correct position, it can place additional strain on all of the window components. Leaks, cracks, and water damage can also be caused by poor window installation.

Types of Window Damage


Rot is a type of window damage that’s the most common with windows that have wooden frames. In comparison to other window materials, wood is susceptible to rotting. Rotting occurs as a result of excess moisture, and it’s a highly visible problem. When you have rotting window frames, it will diminish the appearance of your entire home. But, on a functional level, rotting window frames create the opportunity for air to leak in and out of your home. This will reduce the energy-efficiency of your heating and cooling system, leading to higher energy bills.

As a solution to window rot, have your windows replaced with more rot-resistant materials, such as aluminum or vinyl. By choosing a window material that has a higher degree of water-resistance, you can reduce your risk for rotting windows.


If your windows are sticking and won’t open or close easily, it’s likely a result of aging hardware. Internal rotting can also lead to sticking windows and may require a more comprehensive replacement process.

Air Leaks

Windows that allow air to leak in and out of your home, as we mentioned earlier, will lower the efficiency of your home’s HVAC system. If you notice a draft around your windows, it may have damaged sealant or simply have reached the end of its lifespan.

Contact Clearwater Exteriors today to schedule your Denver window replacement.